Anne-Marie Butlin

Anne-Marie Butlin lives in Crouch End, North London, and paints full-time from her garden studio where she creates beautiful, uplifting images of gardens and still lifes. Her paintings convey the character of different flowers and the unique feeling they can create in a space; the strong structures and often the sheer joyfulness of their appearance. Anne-Marie is inspired by the sense of calm that flowers can give us; her paintings provide a chance to contemplate and meditate, to remember our connection with the natural world. Anne-Marie combines strong traditional technical skill with a modern sensibility, her paintings working just as well in a simple modern interior as in a period home.

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  • Cushions
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  • Framed Canvas Prints
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  • Art Prints
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  • Memorabilia
  • Wooden Wall Art
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Anne-Marie Butlin (Aquilegia)

worldwide Pre-Framed Art Prints
PFPPR46307 - 60 x 60cm


Anne-Marie Butlin (Anemones in a Jam Jar)

worldwide Pre-Framed Art Prints
PFPPR48344 - 30 x 30cm


Anne-Marie Butlin (Bee Border)

worldwide Pre-Framed Art Prints
PFPPR46311 - 60 x 60cm


Anne-Marie Butlin (Blue Summer Border)

worldwide Pre-Framed Art Prints
PFPPR51295 - 60 x 80cm


Anne-Marie Butlin (Field with Lillies)

worldwide Pre-Framed Art Prints
PFPPR51294 - 60 x 80cm


Anne-Marie Butlin (Forget-Me-Nots)

worldwide Pre-Framed Art Prints
PFPPR45933 - 40 x 40cm


Anne-Marie Butlin (Late Summer Garden)

worldwide Pre-Framed Art Prints
PFPPR46316 - 60 x 60cm


Anne-Marie Butlin (May Garden)

worldwide Pre-Framed Art Prints
PFPPR46312 - 60 x 60cm


Anne-Marie Butlin (Mediterranean Garden 2)

worldwide Pre-Framed Art Prints
PFPPR46315 - 60 x 60cm


Anne-Marie Butlin (Morning Sun on Japanese Anemones)

worldwide Pre-Framed Art Prints
PFPPR46313 - 60 x 60cm


Anne-Marie Butlin (Pink Cosmos)

worldwide Pre-Framed Art Prints
PFPPR51291 - 60 x 80cm


Anne-Marie Butlin (Red Anemones)

worldwide Pre-Framed Art Prints
PFPPR48342 - 30 x 30cm


Anne-Marie Butlin (Spring Blossom)

worldwide Pre-Framed Art Prints
PFPPR45934 - 40 x 40cm


Anne-Marie Butlin (Spring Garden with Cosmos)

worldwide Pre-Framed Art Prints
PFPPR46310 - 60 x 60cm


Anne-Marie Butlin (Summer Field with Scabious)

worldwide Pre-Framed Art Prints
PFPPR46308 - 60 x 60cm


Anne-Marie Butlin (Sussex Garden)

worldwide Pre-Framed Art Prints
PFPPR46309 - 60 x 60cm


Anne-Marie Butlin (Tulip Garden)

worldwide Pre-Framed Art Prints
PFPPR46314 - 60 x 60cm


Anne-Marie Butlin (White Cosmos)

worldwide Pre-Framed Art Prints
PFPPR51293 - 60 x 80cm


Anne-Marie Butlin (Wild Violets)

worldwide Pre-Framed Art Prints
PFPPR48343 - 30 x 30cm


Anne-Marie Butlin (Yellow Hollyhocks)

worldwide Pre-Framed Art Prints
PFPPR51292 - 60 x 80cm


Anne-Marie Butlin (Blue Summer Border)

worldwide Canvas Prints
WDC100680 - 60 x 80cm


Anne-Marie Butlin (Field with Lillies)

worldwide Canvas Prints
WDC100679 - 60 x 80cm


Anne-Marie Butlin (Pink Cosmos)

worldwide Canvas Prints
WDC100676 - 60 x 80cm


Anne-Marie Butlin (White Cosmos)

worldwide Canvas Prints
WDC100678 - 60 x 80cm


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