Fletcher Prentice

Fletcher Prentice’s paintings are a joyful celebration of the natural world. Inspired by the beauty of the birds and plants in his rural garden, Fletcher explores the subject using textures, colours and the freedom and looseness of his paint. “My work is a constant balance. On the one hand, my fascination with the object - using paint and enjoying the qualities of paint, breaking down and semi-abstracting the subject matter and surface. On the other hand, my desire to retain and capture the natural beauty of the subject, whether the human figure, an animal or a single bird.”

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Fletcher Prentice (Blossom On Yellow)

worldwide Pre-Framed Art Prints
PFPPR41762 - 30 x 60cm


Fletcher Prentice (Song Birds and Apple Blossom)

worldwide Pre-Framed Art Prints
PFPPR55058 - 40 x 40cm


Fletcher Prentice (Spring Goldfinches)

worldwide Pre-Framed Art Prints
PFPPR55059 - 40 x 40cm


Fletcher Prentice (Early Blossom)

worldwide Pre-Framed Art Prints
PFPPR55269 - 40 x 40cm


Fletcher Prentice (Field Border)

worldwide Framed Canvas Prints
PFC97435 - 60 x 60cm


Fletcher Prentice (Beyond)

worldwide Canvas Prints
2 sizes

from £54.99

Fletcher Prentice (Blossom On Yellow)

worldwide Canvas Prints
3 sizes

from £44.99

Fletcher Prentice (Early Blossom)

worldwide Canvas Prints
2 sizes

from £54.99

Fletcher Prentice (Field Border)

worldwide Canvas Prints
WDC97376 - 60 x 60cm


Fletcher Prentice (Garden Goldfinches)

worldwide Canvas Prints
WDC300001 - 30 x 60cm


Fletcher Prentice (Meadow Sparrows)

worldwide Canvas Prints
2 sizes

from £44.99

Fletcher Prentice (Open Meadow)

worldwide Canvas Prints
2 sizes

from £54.99

Fletcher Prentice (Song Birds and Apple Blossom)

worldwide Canvas Prints
WDC91756 - 30 x 30cm


Fletcher Prentice (Spring Goldfinches)

worldwide Canvas Prints
WDC91757 - 30 x 30cm


Fletcher Prentice (Field Border)

worldwide Pre-Framed Art Prints
2 sizes

from £57.99

Fletcher Prentice (Open Meadow)

worldwide Pre-Framed Art Prints
PFPPR46413 - 60 x 60cm


Fletcher Prentice (Song Birds and Apple Blossom)

worldwide Mounted Prints
2 sizes

from £8.99

Fletcher Prentice (Spring Goldfinches)

worldwide Mounted Prints
2 sizes

from £8.99

Fletcher Prentice (Beyond)

worldwide Art Prints
PPR46410 - 60 x 60cm


Fletcher Prentice (Blossom On Yellow)

worldwide Art Prints
2 sizes

from £11.99

Fletcher Prentice (Early Blossom)

worldwide Art Prints
2 sizes

from £9.99

Fletcher Prentice (Field Border)

worldwide Art Prints
2 sizes

from £9.99

Fletcher Prentice (Garden Goldfinches)

worldwide Art Prints
PPR41763 - 30 x 60cm


Fletcher Prentice (Meadow Sparrows)

worldwide Art Prints
2 sizes

from £11.99

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